Yiheyuan Products
We strive to provide a high quality learning experience for every student. The following home learning materials are designed to assist you in your home studies in order to enrich your class-based learning or to enable you to make progress even if there is no teacher currently available to you.
We no longer sell DVDs through Amazon but a number of training videos are available through our Yiheyuan Martial Arts YouTube channel.
For our selection of BOOKS, please visit our home page and click on the links there.
Training Manual:Foundations of Ba Gua ZhangDesigned to accompany our DVD "Ba Gua Zhang: From Mystery to Mastery" , this is a comprehensive guide to the basic training methods of Cheng Ting Hua Ba Gua Zhang. It includes instructions on how to do:
It also offers:
You can buy this manual as a PDF file to print off or to read on your PC, iPad or other mobile device. From anywhere in the world, simply send your payment securely via PayPal using a valid email address. When we receive your payment we will send the PDF file to the email address you provided. |
£4.90 Send your payment securely through PayPal |
Training Manual: Wu Dang Stick Forms (Wu Dang San Feng Gun)Designed to accompany our video instructions on the Wu Dang Stick Forms, this is a fully-illustrated guide which takes you step-by-step though the two forms. The Wu Dang Stick forms were kindly taught to us by Nigel Sutton of the Zhong Ding Chinese Martial Arts Association. The sequences are a great form of exercise while also training the basic skills required to use this practical instrument for self-protection - a stick the length of a typical broom handle which is short enough to be easily wielded yet long enough to maintain a sensible distance from an assailant. You can buy this manual as a PDF file to print off or to read on your PC, iPad or other mobile device. From anywhere in the world, simply send your payment securely via PayPal using a valid email address. When we receive your payment we will send the PDF file to the email address you provided. The videos are available free on YouTube. Click the following links to see the forms performed as viewed from front and back and also with verbal instructions. Wu Dang Stick Form 1 Wu Dang Stick Form 2 Wu Dang Stick Drills |
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